Become a creator
At Memoraball we treasure and actively listen to our audience. Our design process is often influenced by our social media community. We often ask for opinions and interact through polls and frequent questions.
We value co-creation, so anyone from anywhere has the portunity to submit a sketch and produce a pair of socks with us.
So, share your project and show us how do you see football as an art form.

How does it work?
• Fill in the form below with your details. Then we will send you an email requesting your sketch (in .pdf .png or .jpeg max. 2000 px wide and 800kb)
• Only non-offensive football-related sock designs will be considered. (As well as original ideas, not infringing on the intellectual property or publicity rights of another)
• Our design team will review and select any chosen artworks and get in touch
• Memoraball is free to adapt the proposed design to our factories’ specifications
• The selected artists will have the privilege of seeing their piece for sale at
• The selected artists will receive two free pairs of the co-created socksThe selected designs are free of copyright as any of ours are (Creative Commons Licensing) read more about it here >> Memoraball Arts
We would love to hear from you.
Let us know your ideas.
Avenida das Indústrias, 63
2735-213 Agualva-Cacém,